The challenges of life can be daunting, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, lacking direction and purpose. One must choose a new path, one that transitions into a sanctuary free of uncontrolled worry and stress. One finds there a renewed awareness of self, one's value and purpose. It is a path too few have discovered for themselves.
The path of which I speak is called the Quest for Truth, truth about ourselves that has been sacrificed on the Altar of Other People's Expectations compelling us to give our power away in our compulsion to be someone that we are not, in our desperate need to feel validated.
Surrendering to that need tends to leave us stranded in a wilderness of confusion and chaos, leaving one feeling stuck and incomplete, wanting but unable to take control of our life, to heal emotionally or mentally, or to just take life to the next level by trying something new and be inspired by life again.
So much of where we find ourselves is the result of Limiting Beliefs that keeps us held captive in self-imposed prisons. To free yourself from such bondage, you need more than someone to just motivate you, tell you to love yourself more or remind you to think positively.
You need an ongoing support system to demolish those limited beliefs that have kept you shackled, someone to talk to who believes in you, to help untangle you from the chains of fear and insecurity, to free you from the servitude of excessive stress and false need for perfectionism, someone who will fight the fight with you and light the path for you to gain a fresh perspective and get back into the flow of life so you can create and lead a life you love.
I am Logan Whiteagle, Native American Spirit Guide and Life Strategist, and it is no accident that you have found me here. It was meant to be.
In the spirit of the wisdom of my elders, my mission in life is to help you discover and reconnect with the awesome power of your authentic self, your own inner wisdom and power, to be a compassionate and caring facilitator to support you as you take the time to focus, to believe in you as you identify with your individuality and what really matters to you, to guide you as you take the bold steps to free yourself from the bondage of unhealthy habits, limiting beliefs and overthinking as you connect with your innate courage to create the life you love and deserve.
This path is not for everyone, for most will find it daunting and choose the confines of their own comfort zones, their patches of misery, as limiting and debilitating as they are. But if what is presented here, this calling of the spirit self, resonates at all with you, take that first step, that first step being to remind yourself that there is no one on this planet like you; there never has been and never will be. You are special, as we all are, but if you are willing to form a spiritual alliance with me, I will partner with you as I call upon the wisdom of my elders for the guidance to help you reach deep within your soul to access the power of your truth and develop the trust to believe in yourself and your own uniqueness.
Are you ready to discover the awesome power of your intrinsic truth? My mission is to to provide support as you reconnect and realign with your own inner wisdom and transition yourself back to your truth and confidence.
The second step is to email me at to express your interest and I will arrange for a no obligation introductory call to discuss your challenges, your wellbeing intentions and how I can help you empower yourself.
Together we will decide if I am the partner for you at this very sensitive time in your to express your interest and I will arrange for a no obligation introductory call to discuss your challenges, your wellbeing intentions and how I can help you empower yourself. Together we will decide if I am the partner for you at this very sensitive time in your life
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